Saturday 26 March 2016

DAY 7: FRIDAY 25th : Our final day together, we have to get our wallsfinished and ready for launch, we need to prepare for the launch and doour final reflections and evaluation.....

Final showcase & Launch of our Work, Celebrations & Farewells

Exhibition of Resources & Materials

A tour of the Walls

'Migrant Journeys' Team - Facilitated by Claire Coughlan

Creativity & Change Team - Facilitated by Jessica Carson & Declan Sheridan

Ocean - Facilitated by Helen O' Keefe

'If the World were 100 People'  - Facilitated by Nora Furlong

DAY 6: THURSDAY : Bid day ahead today. Lots to get done, lots going on.We are really enjoying the lovely interactions and encouragement fromthe local residents. Each team have immense pride in the work that isdeveloping on their walls. Have a look below......

If the world was 100 people

Creativity & Change Wall

Creativity and change

 Looking at the stack of letters to make words

 Our negative and positive hands pasted on wall

 Pasting up the head

 Spreading glue on the pasteup


Monday 21 March 2016

DAY 3: MONDAY 11th March..... Painting Begins....We are splitting into 4 teams each with an outdoor wall & a theme!! We will spend the next 4 days brainstorming, designing, stencilling, pasting & TRANSFORMING!!!!!

The morning kicks off with energisers and a nice reflective meditation. The meditation guides people through a reflection on what kind of a world would the like to see. People write down their thoughts afterwards and from this we begin to compile the text for 'In our tomorrow......'

Morning Energizer

Inspirational writing

Lookin at Cork through the eyes of a global citizen

Digital & Practical Street Art Tools Demo by Jess

To the Walls........